Made For GDevelop BIG Game Jam #5

"Glitch" is an exhilarating 2D platformer set in a dynamic, ever-changing digital world. Your primary objective is to ascend an infinite series of platforms while skillfully avoiding a variety of dangerous glitches. The game’s endless nature ensures that each playthrough offers new challenges and surprises, keeping players on their toes and engaged.

Gameplay: In "Glitch," you control a nimble character who must navigate an endless tower of platforms, each presenting unique obstacles and hazards. The higher you climb, the more intense and unpredictable the game becomes, requiring quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and precise movements.

Key Features:

  1. Unlimited Climbing:
    • The game world extends infinitely upward, providing a limitless challenge that tests your endurance and skills. As you ascend, the platforms and glitches become more frequent and complex, ensuring a progressively challenging experience.
  2. Glitches:
    • The digital landscape of "Glitch" is rife with various glitches that add layers of difficulty and unpredictability. These glitches come in different forms, each with its own unique behavior and effects:
      • Portal Glitch:
        • Touching this glitch transports you to a different, often more hazardous part of the world for a few seconds. Surviving this alternate section is crucial, and after the timer expires, you are returned to the start of your current climb, adding a strategic twist to your ascent.
      • Fake Platform:
        • These deceptive platforms appear solid but will turn you into a glitch and kill you upon contact. Identifying and avoiding fake platforms is key to prolonging your climb.
      • The Box:
        • This relentless glitch follows you closely. If it catches you, it turns you into a glitch and kills you instantly. Outrunning and outsmarting The Box requires sharp reflexes and strategic planning.
  3. Dynamic Environments:
    • "Glitch" features a vibrant and ever-changing visual style. The game's environment shifts and morphs, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging as you navigate through a single, vast, and interconnected world.
  4. Score System:
    • Your score in "Glitch" is determined by the height you achieve and the duration of your survival. Compete with friends and players worldwide to see who can climb the highest and avoid the glitches the longest.
  5. Challenging Achievements:
    • Unlock a variety of achievements by accomplishing specific feats, such as surviving a certain number of portal glitches, outrunning The Box for extended periods, and flawlessly identifying fake platforms.

Conclusion: "Glitch" is a thrilling, endlessly replayable platformer that combines the charm of retro gaming with the excitement of modern mechanics. Its unique glitches, infinite gameplay, and ever-changing environments offer a fresh and challenging experience with every playthrough. Are you ready to ascend through the digital chaos and avoid the glitches that lie in wait? Your ascent begins now!


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